Salamanca Photo Essay

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Ah, Salamanca. I can think of no other city with an identity so entwined in learning and graceful university architecture and boisterous student life … the one simply doesn’t exist without the other. Certainly, we’re talking of the Old Quarter here, but that’s where the soul and heart of Salamanca lie.

Ah, Salamanca. I can think of no other city with an identity so entwined in learning and graceful university architecture and boisterous student life … the one simply doesn’t exist without the other. Certainly, we’re talking of the Old Quarter here, but that’s where the soul and heart of Salamanca lie. The elegant buildings, great big blocks of ochre and cream sandstone quarried locally, breathe of ancient knowledge and exude centuries of history. Across the eras, weathering and oxidation have added a reddish glow to the stone blocks, matching the hue of Latin inscriptions on the walls. Quotes by writers the calibre of Miguel Cervantes (“Don Quixote”) are left behind on the stones, and Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés was an alumni. Of the town Victor Hugo wrote: Salamanca … sleeps to the sound of mandolins, And wakes up startled by the shouting of its students…

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