Hippos in Hanover, Bo-Karoo
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Take 1 Bo-Karoo farmer with a bakkie-load of perseverance and patience. Give him 6 years in which to exercise that perseverance and patience … and voilà! You have hippos again in a river called the Seekoei — in the Karoo, mind you — after more than 2 centuries. But this stoic farmer, PC Ferreira, hasn’t simply stopped there. He now has visions to reinstate some of the wildlife species that, before the white colonial hunters arrived, used to roam the Karoo scrublands in great numbers.
Take 1 Bo-Karoo farmer with a bakkie-load of perseverance and patience. Give him 6 years in which to exercise that perseverance and patience … and voilà! You have hippos again in a river called the Seekoei — in the Karoo, mind you — after more than 2 centuries. But this stoic farmer, PC Ferreira, hasn’t simply stopped there. He now has visions to reinstate some of the wildlife species that, before the white colonial hunters arrived, used to roam the Karoo scrublands in great numbers. He’s also trying to uplift a dispossessed community who once had ownership of that land. Using a business model developed by the Department of Environmental Affairs and SANParks, three of PC’s most trusted staff members have become investors in a conservation breeding scheme involving buffalo, eland, hartebeest and kudu.
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