Impressions of Madrid

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Even diehard lovers of the African continent, its wonderful wildness and untamed animal life, need to venture into the refined air and sophistication of Europe so now and again ꟷ and that’s just what Gravel Road Adventures did in May this year. Destination Spain and Portugal. It was a 3,000 km road trip, executed in a wide circle from Madrid

Even diehard lovers of the African continent, its wonderful wildness and untamed animal life, need to venture into the refined air and sophistication of Europe so now and again ꟷ and that’s just what Gravel Road Adventures did in May this year. Destination Spain and Portugal. It was a 3,000 km road trip, executed in a wide circle, from Madrid south to Granada, then curving up through Portugal via Lisbon, north to Bilbao and San Sebastián, and back again to Madrid. Spain blew our socks off in every respect ꟷ food, architecture, art, culture, and pure Spanish style. Portugal, too, was a memorable experience with its own incarnations of Iberian uniqueness. We decided we wouldn’t have planned anything differently, and we’d do it all over again. So here we give you the first of a visual series of reflections on our Iberian Peninsula adventure.

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